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Collapse ▲North Carolina Association of Cooperative Extension Specialists – BYLAWS
Section 1. This organization shall be known as the North Carolina Association of Cooperative Extension Specialists (NCACES).
ARTICLE II. Goals and objectives
Section 1. The primary goal of this organization shall be to establish and maintain a professional association for improving the standards, performance, services and collaboration of NCACES members and the North Carolina Cooperative Extension.
Section 2: Objective
A. To improve communication among NCACES members and with extension, teaching and research faculty, staff and administration, and with organizations of county personnel to encourage and facilitate coordinated program efforts.
- To promote and encourage opportunities for education and other means of professional improvement of NCACES members.
- To promote the personal well-being and esprit de corps of the membership through united action on issues concerning NCACES members and the North Carolina Cooperative Extension office county and campus offices and administration.
- To provide opportunity for recognition of outstanding leadership and/or contributions to North Carolina Cooperative Extension by NCACES members and/or cooperating individuals or organizations.
ARTICLE III. Membership
Section 1. Membership in the association shall consist of full, life, emeritus and honorary membership. Honorary members shall have the rights and privilege of full members except the right to hold an office, serve as an official delegate or serve as a committee chair.
Section 2. Full membership shall consist of faculty and staff with any percentage Extension appointment from North Carolina State University and North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University working at a statewide or regional capacity. Examples of eligible personnel include (but are not limited to): Extension Specialists, Extension Associates, Extension Assistants, Extension Technicians, Program Managers, Program Directors, Program Coordinators, and Area Specialized Agents.
Section 3. Life membership shall consist of active or retired Extension workers formerly holding full membership and who pay life membership dues.
Section 4. Emeritus membership shall consist of individuals who were full NCACES members and served for ten or more years in a full-time position at NC State University or NC A&T State University.
Section 5. Honorary membership shall consist of individuals approved by the executive committee.
ARTICLE IV. Organizational structure
Section 1. The officers of the association shall be president, president-elect, past-president, secretary, treasurer, parliamentarian and website coordinator; ideally each coming from a different discipline.
- Duties of the president: The president shall preside at all meetings of the association. The president shall serve as the liaison person for the association to extension administration, appoint standing and ad hoc committees of the association, serve as an ex-officio member of the professional development committee, function as chair of the executive committee and board of directors and serve on the executive committee of the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP).
- Duties of the president-elect: The president-elect shall preside at the association’s meetings in the absence of the president. The president-elect shall serve as chair of the program committee and ex-officio member of the recognition and awards committee. In the event the president cannot complete their term, the president-elect shall act in the president’s absence. The president-elect shall also serve on the executive committee of the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP).
- Duties of the past-president: The past-president shall serve as chair of the professional development committee and serve as an official delegate at the annual meeting of the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP).
- Duties of the secretary: The secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings for the Board of Directors and the Membership Business Meetings, maintain a current membership list, keep treasurer informed of current membership, and conduct any necessary correspondence of the association. The secretary shall maintain the records of the association and serve as an official delegate at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Joint Council of Extension Professionals.
- Duties of the treasurer: The treasurer shall be responsible for collecting dues and keeping informed of the current membership. The treasurer shall pay bills and, in general, handle financial affairs of the association and maintain all records thereof and serve as an official delegate at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Joint Council of Extension Professionals.
- Duties of the parliamentarian shall include advising the presiding officer on questions of parliamentary law and matters of procedure and is the suggested chair of the by-laws committee. According to the rotation schedule established by the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP), the NCACES Parliamentarian shall serve as an official delegate at the annual meeting of the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP).
- Duties of the website coordinator shall include development, design and maintenance of the NCACES website and serve as an official delegate at the annual meeting of the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP).
Section 2. The executive committee shall consist of said officers with the president serving as chair.
Section 3.The Board of Directors shall be composed of the executive committee and six or more elected directors at the discretion of the executive committee who ideally represent different disciplines. The president of the association shall serve as Chair. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for general policy for the association and shall have power to act on behalf of the membership when the association is not in session.
ARTICLE V. Elections
Section 1. The president-elect, secretary, treasurer, parliamentarian and website coordinator shall be elected to a one-year term of office. The president-elect shall succeed to the office of president after the completion of their term and serve as past president for one year following their presidency. Only the secretary, treasurer, parliamentarian and website coordinator may serve consecutive terms.
Section 2. Directors shall be elected to two-year terms of office on a rotating basis. Three new directors will be elected annually for a two-year period.
Section 3. The president shall appoint a nomination committee of at least five members ideally from different disciplines and representing both land-grant universities at least 60 days prior to the annual business meeting to present a slate of officers and directors at the annual meeting.
Section 4. Nominations for officers and directors shall be made through the nominating committee at least 30 days prior to the annual business meeting to allow time for online voting by the membership. No person shall be nominated who has not given consent to service if elected.
Section 5. The Board of Directors shall be empowered to fill any unexpired term occurring on said board except that of president-elect. The board shall be empowered to replace inactive board members. The appointee shall hold office for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Section 6. In the event vacancies occur in both offices of the president and president-elect, the president’s position will be filled by vote of the membership at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the association. Nominations will be made from the floor.
Section 7. All elected officers and directors shall assume office immediately following their elections.
ARTICLE VI. Meetings
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall set the time and place for all meetings of the association. The membership year shall run from January 1 to December 31. The annual meeting is ideally held during the Fall Semester and the secretary shall notify the membership of each meeting at least 30 days in advance. During the fall semester is the recommended time for officer and board elections.
Section 2. Where feasible, meetings shall be held in conjunction with State and District Extension Staff Conferences or on one of the land-grant university campuses.
Section 3. A quorum for annual and special meetings of the association shall consist of the active members present provided the membership is notified 30 days in advance. The Parliamentarian or the President, if the Parliamentarian is not present, will establish if a quorum is present.
Section 4. The Board of Directors and executive committee shall hold meetings as deemed necessary. A quorum for the Board of Directors and the executive committee shall consist of a simple majority of the members.
Section 5. Proceedings, rules and parliamentary proceedings shall, except herein provided, be in accord with Roberts Rules of Order, latest edition.
Section 1: The fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.
ARTICLE VIII. Membership dues
Section 1. Dues are payable at the beginning of each fiscal year. Payment of dues on a multiple year basis is available. The amount of dues for full membership as well as changes in the amount of said dues shall be recommended by the Board of Directors and approved by a majority of the membership in attendance at the annual meeting. Life members shall pay five times the current annual full member dues.
Section 2: Emeritus and honorary members shall pay no dues.
Section 3: The amount required for annual dues shall be $20 each year, unless changed by a majority vote of the members at an annual meeting of the full membership. Continued membership is contingent upon being up-to-date on membership dues.
ARTICLE IX. Committees
Section 1: The following shall be the standing committees of the association: Nominating, Program, Recognition and Awards, Professional Improvement and Affairs, Bylaws and Audit, and Special Projects. Each committee shall be chaired by a member of the Board of Directors or Executive Committee to be determined at the first meeting of the year.
- Nominating, Recruitment & Membership: The Nominating, Recruitment &
Membership Committee shall present a proposed slate of officers and directors for vote digitally 30 days prior to the annual meeting. The committee shall present the new officers and directors at the annual meeting. The committee shall work on plans to recruit new and retain current members. - Program: The Program Committee shall be responsible for planning the program and setting up the event room at the association’s meetings.
- Recognition and Awards: The Recognition and Awards Committee shall be responsible for planning and executing recognition and awards on behalf of the association. This committee is also empowered to consider and recommend nominations for other state and national extension awards.
- Professional Development: The Professional Development Committee shall remain alert to matters of current or potential professional interest to members; shall be alert to and inform specialists of educational opportunities available to them; shall encourage high professional standards; and, shall encourage involvement in all departmental activities. The committee shall also recommend association action when appropriate and necessary.
- Bylaws and Audit: The Bylaws and Audit Committee shall review bylaws of the association and recommend changes as needed. It shall, prior to the annual meeting, audit the financial records of the association and report its findings to the membership at the annual meeting. The committee should provide a procedural timeline document for the incoming chair for each year.
- Special Projects Committee. The Special Projects Committee shall plan for and undertake other activities for the overall benefit for the membership.
ARTICLE X. Adoption and amendments
Section 1. Ratification of the bylaws may be accomplished by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any meeting of the association, provided the membership is notified in writing at least 30 days in advance. Said notification shall be accompanied by a copy of the proposed bylaws.
Section 2. These bylaws may be amended, revised or repealed at any meeting of the association by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting, provided a notice of the proposed amendments, revisions or repeal has been provided in writing to the members not less than 30 days prior to the annual meeting.
Section 3. Amendments or revisions so made will go into effect immediately.
ARTICLE XI. Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of this association, all assets of the association shall be converted into cash and donated to the North Carolina Extension Foundation. The executive committee shall determine the procedure for conversion of physical assets to cash.